Monday 1 December 2008

The popularity of Social Networking Sites

(Image by Frank Da Silva:

There are around 100 million people around the world who are regular social networking site users. We've become a generation of social networking addicts, desperate for our fix of virtual interaction. User generated content (UGC) has become the norm, with millions of us regularly publishing blogs and posting masses of photographs online.

The incredible statistics speak for themselves...

(Music - "I kno u want it" by Soft Toy Emergency. Check out their Myspace page here)
Facebook entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg talks about how it all started on the BBC's website.

Generating Talent

A Myspace music party (image by Brian Solis:

One of the biggest and best functions of social networking sites, is innovating new talent. The Murdoch owned Myspace, which helped to boost the careers of Lily Allen and the Arctic Monkeys, launched its own record label - Myspace Records, in 2005.

Lily Allen (image by neil365 -

Aspiring artists can simply create a profile and upload their songs onto it enabling millions of people around the world to listen to what they have to offer.

Katie and the Questions, an unsigned band from York, are one of millions of artists broadcasting their music to the public through Myspace.

They describe their style as 'powerpop, pop punk and new wave' and hope that putting their music out there will put them onto the path to success. I asked them a few questions about the influence Myspace has had on their music:

Since you showcased your music online, what type of feedback have you had?
99 per cent positive. Quite a few of our gig contacts started out by listening to us on Myspace. We do use software to keep fans informed by posting comments on their Myspace, we have about 40 listens per day to the songs on there and add about 15 to 20 new friends every other day although we are selective, we dont want clothing companys in the USA and sites like that, we want fans of the music.

What have you achieved so far that perhaps wouldn't have been possible without sites like Myspace?
To be able to get our music heard to a wider audience. Because of Myspace, we are getting played on college radio in the USA and are getting featured in podcasts and on local radio in other areas of the UK.

Have you had any interest from any record labels?
Not real record companies, only ones wanting us to pay for recording upfront and then distribute with no advertising budget - we can do a better job at that ourselves. Our main piority is to get a permanent manager as Jane who currently helps us out is finding it hard to devote the time needed. We want to build a decent following and then showcase ourselves to record companies.
You can check out the bands music by clicking here.

Despite critics saying that people are tiring of social networks, they're certainly not on their way out any time soon. Baywatch star, David Hasselhoff decided to launch his own social networking site called Hoff Space because he was tired of people setting up accounts in his name. It has more than 8,000 members proving that people continue to be fascinated by this online phenomena.

If you're dying to check out Hoff Space, which I'm sure you are - click here.

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